Google Ads Scripts

Tags: search terms, trends, reports

Search Term Trends Report - New in Feb 2024! 🚀🌟

Create multiple Account-level Search Term reports based on Search Term, Campaign and Metric filters + choose your own (6 total) date ranges to compare.

  • What this script does: Search Term stats as an average across 6 different time periods
  • As an average? E.g. if the lookback window (days) is 365, it's the total clicks across 365 days (to yesterday) divided by 365
  • Recommended Schedule: Hourly if looking at today, otherwise daily

To create a new report, just duplicate an existing report tab then add your settings.

How many reports can I add?

The only limit is the script runtime of 30 minutes and the capacity of Google Sheets (10m cells max, but they can become frustratingly slow before that point).

Should the script timeout, either reduce the number of reports or add further Metric or Campaign filters.

Don't forget you can install the same script multiple times, just use a different Sheet Url each time.

What if I have suggestions?

Please let us know! Hearing your pain points in the number one way we can make improvements.

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Paul. Search Term Trends Report (Google Ads Script)


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The script will be available here after purchase

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