Google Ads Scripts

Tags: Negative Keywords, Sculpting, Shopping, Search, DSA

Want to test your keyword rules before adding them to the script? Try our Rule Checker Tool to simulate exactly how the script processes keywords and search terms.

Auto-add negative keywords and/or receive irrelevant search term alerts without chaining yourself to search term reports.

Perfect for:

  • Shopping campaigns
  • Dynamic search ads (DSAs)
  • Broad match keywords
  • Text Ads (combat Google’s “close-match” going awry)

Once Irrelevant Search Terms are found you can:

  • Auto-add them as negative keywords to Ad Groups or Lists
  • Review them in the sheet
  • Recieve an alert email (one per day per sheet to avoid alert overload!)

It boils down to this: You know your products better than Google.

Use your product or service knowledge to setup "positive keywords" and cut wasted spend on irrelevant terms.

After years of improvements and hundreds of hours of development, it's jam packed with features:

  • "Pick up where it left off" support
  • Safety rails
  • Error and warning emails (you'll want to know if this stops working)
  • Multiple Ad Groups, Multiple Campaigns (sheets)
  • Option to only add new negative keywords
  • Negative keyword list support
  • View the negative keywords in the sheet
  • Advanced error logging
  • Advanced query filters
  • Regex Match 🆕
  • Detailed email alerts 🆕
  • Preview Mode 🆕
  • Approx Match 🆕
  • Campaign Level Negative Keywords 🆕
  • Output Negatives to Sheet 🆕

How it Works

You define a list of positive keywords in a Google Spreadsheet, the script then adds negative keywords where the query doesn't match any of the words provided.

Let's imagine you sell rucsacks and holdalls. Based on historical performance, you know queries containing "rucsack", "holdall" or "bag" are all profitable, other queries just waste money.

You would just need to add "ruc", "hold" and "bag" to the Google Sheet and where queries don't contain "ruc", "hold" or "bag" they will be automatically added as a negative keyword.

This can be setup for dozens of words, through dozens of adGroups in dozens of campaigns. Just create a new tab for each campaign. The tab (or sheet) can be named anything.

The negative keywords are added at AdGroup level or to Negative Keyword Lists.

Script timing out? No problem, next time the script runs it will start with any rules it didn't get round to last time.

A Few Tips

This script has been used across thousands of accounts and we also use it ourselves.

It works a charm when setup correctly. Here's some important tips and notes:

  • Set the script to run hourly so it spots irrelevant search terms as soon as they appear

  • For larger accounts, set an impression minimum to ensure too many negative keywords aren't added (there's a 20k limit ad Ad Group level)

  • A partial match is still a match. If the positive keyword is "ruc" and the term is "rucsac" it will be allowed through (it will not be added as a negative keyword)

  • The script is case insensitive (you don't need add multiple versions for different cases). In fact, never repeat words especially if the number of matches is more than one. The script will look for multiple instances which could cause problems.

  • Always preview and review the results before running.

  • Set Alert Mode to True so you can keep an eye on what's being added.

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Auto Negative Keywords (Positive Keywords Script)



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All script templates include cell notes, but you can go deeper with this Google Doc.

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